Telecoms & Media
From Infrastructure to Content Network
The telecommunications industry is under pressure: flat rates are capping revenue, while data-hungry devices, increasing expectations for network coverage and speed, and more and more data-based services and solutions require investments into the infrastructure. However, the potential and growth opportunities lie precisely in these expectations: IoT devices e.g. always require connections that the local WLAN often does not deliver. Increasing synergies within the company, a supply and demand-oriented cross-industry
business model and the potential to offer infrastructure in every direction are promising approaches for growth. It is not yet clear who can secure competitive advantages here.
The fiber optic expansion, 5G, VOIP, business models with regard to software, concepts for communication centers will shape the future. The most customer-oriented providers will shape the market for themselves here. Even with high-tech companies such as in the telecommunications industry, there are still very many processes that have grown historically or have only just emerged and were developed conventionally. The high cost pressure from customers ensures that efficiencies are increased and processes are streamlined and automated. An essential approach to acceleration are process optimization, increasing agilization and digitization. The business case must always be considered in the background. Regardless of this, the development of frameworks, blueprints and the use of technologies for improved communication, organization and project management. Agilization and project development with short, iterative, quickly verified increments is an advantage that leads to multiple accelerations and enables partial successes quickly and inexpensively.
For telecommunications companies, data protection is crucial for business success. If customers trust the company, data is transferred securely, an important relationship of trust and a long-term connection are created. Conversely, there are data protection problems, the telcos have so much knowledge about customers that a loss can cause irreparable damage, a larger loss of data can even have a business-critical impact and result in fines. We develop solutions based on the GDPR requirements in order to optimally support our customers' fields of action with advice, project management and individualized software solutions. From the processing directory to the Data Privacy Impact Assessment (DPIA) to reporting procedures with the supervisory authorities to the management of order data processors, we develop the solution that companies need at the customer's request.
Between business model and digital change
In recent years, financial services have responded to the major challenges of the industry with different concepts. From fintechs with lean organizations to process digitization. Customer loyalty is key to maintaining business success. Frequently changes to strategy, positioning, focus of the target group from business customers to private customers, orientation from securities management to solid long-term investment recommendations, all these create uncertainty. Cross-channel customer
lifecycle management concepts enable credibly serving your customers over the long term. Customers have long ceased to be loyal offer recipients without knowledge of the market. In times of always-on information, consumer protection and direct banking, hybrid behavior patterns and market overview customers are much more mature and like to control their financial transactions themselves. In the jungle of offers, however, an empowered customer also needs guidelines and an expert whom he trusts. The new role of banks in the business area as well as for consumer has to deliver value of the all-encompassing consultant, the financial management optimizer and consultant. It goes without saying that communication is carried out on all channels, high flexibility and availability are expected instead of fixed opening times. The service of the financial service provider must be provided at the time and in the quality that the customer desires, not as the banking conditions dictate.
Humanity needs mobility to develop
Loss of reputation and changes in use are challenges for an entire industry. The mobility industry and much more the automotive industry has quickly developed from a role model to the industry most at risk from disruptive business models. The exogenous shock at the same time provides the impetus to reinvent. We believe in the power of mobility and individual transport, as well as the realization of your own potential and wishes through unlimited freedom of movement that no other technological
development has made possible. Changes will be necessary, new drive and usage concepts are being developed and shared models are also conceivable for some of the target group. So that we can make our contribution to the future of the automotive industry and this can build on the success story of the past 100 years, we not only advise our customers strategically, but also take responsibility for results and support them in their operational implementation.
The best strategies are unsuccessful if the power cannot be transferred to the road. In order for projects to be successfully implemented, we go to the org units and departments and support them with the complete project brief up to implementation in an application, in program or project portfolio management. We take responsibility for the success of the project, cultivate more than reporting, but close cooperation with all stakeholders. We conduct intensive market research and develop solutions that are also needed and used by the market. To ensure that we succeed, we accompany our customers and develop concepts to ensure a customer journey on all channels that is equivalent to a stimulating and relaxing journey. Starting with the first address through the information on the web or portal, to creating an ID to the customer experience, we develop a customer experience together that simply binds. Virtual, digital, augmented to the real experience, from the first contact to production and support in after-sales and service across all product life cycle stages, a customer experience can be guaranteed that also deserves the name.